Snapback hat; the latest fad

Snapback hat; the latest fad

No matter where I look anymore, I see all of these kids obsessed with snapback hats. You know the ones that look similar to baseball hats and snap in the back, allowing the size to be adjusted. My younger brother for example; owns 27 different snapback hats. That’s insanity. But, these trends with hats seem to come and go quicker than anything.

I remember a few years back when the latest trend was those hats that had the perfectly flat brim and were ‘fitted’, as the guys called them. Every kid on the whole school bus had one of these hats on. I have to say, I hated them and thought they looked ridiculous with the flat brim and almost hanging off the head. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but what’s the point of a hat hanging off your head? Who knows?

But recently, these snapbacks have been all the fad. It’s funny too, because they used to be a big thing back in the day, but just to cover up a bad hair day, not as a fashion statement as they are today. It’s funny how things can change so much. A hat could go from a quick cover up, to the coolest things since sliced bread in just a couple of short years.

I’m curious to see which hats while be in style next year. I know another popular trend this winter was beanie style winter hats. However, these hats were worn to just cover the back of the hair and were very high on the head. I think hats are becoming more style based rather than practical based.