Unfortunately, I never took the time to learn how to knit winter hats. I wish I had because they look absolutely adorable and come in many fun styles. I think the best part of homemade knit hats is the ability to make replicas of the expensive brands found on the market. I am lucky enough to have a close friend who does knit hats and they have made me several designer knit hats that looked almost identical to the real thing.
There is a small shop near my home that sells homemade items. Everything from candles, to signs to well- knit hats! I go there a few times each winter and buy a few for me and my children. Recently, I went in a saw a newborn has made from green, blue, brown and yellow thread. It was designed to look like a cute little owl and I fell in love. I don’t have a newborn, so I asked the lady if she could make one for my 6 month old son. She agreed. I picked it up 3 days ago and he wore it to his recent doctor’s appointment. I got compliments from the receptionist, doctors and nurses.