May 2020

Dracula the Snail

Ever wanted a red and black snail the size of your hand as a pet? It turns out that a lot of people want this Malaysian fire snail as one, which is why so many are captured and sold as exotic pets each year. Beware, these "Dracula" snails don't do well in captivity, as they only thrive in their natural environment.

Seattle Events At Home

Ok, so many of us aren't having fun at home, but that can change when you find ways to connect and have fun other than watching movies all day (which, by the way, is also a good time for many). Did you know lots of people are listening to concerts, playing BINGO or trivia games and otherwise having a great time all online?

Foodie Photo Winners

Food is life, and as hungry bloggers we all know this. How many of us even plan our trips around places we want to eat? The reality is that food is complicated and in short supply in many areas while it's revered, maybe even worshiped, in others. We've all seen the photos of what groceries for different families around the world look like and it's very humbling.
