August 2020

Reboots With Women As Leads

While some people complain about movie reboots, I think they can be really fun and even well done if done correctly. Take Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. It received a lot of negative press but it was just as entertaining as, if not more entertaining than, the original two movies. As a bonus, it didn't have creepy Venkmann pushing his agenda onto women! Yay!


At this point, it's pretty clear that new leadership is needed in the United States. We're rapidly approaching 200,000 deaths and have yet to have any real direction or unification from the White House, civil unrest is rampant as law enforcement reforms are in dire need, and our economy is in the toilet. Most of us are struggling in some way or another, or those we love are, and we need someone who will actually act like a president.

Stephen King Themed Drinks

How fun is it that Stephen King themed cocktails exist, because of course they do? Lots of fans have created drinks based on everything from It to the Tommyknockers, and while you can of course always create your own, it's also fun to see what others have created!

I love the drinks here, which include a nice variety that also look really yummy. I think this collection has not only the most variety but a lot of creativity, too!

Celebrating Stranger Things

Who else is in Stranger Things withdrawal this year? I know I am! Between TV shows and movies coming out featuring the cast, the Emmys (and multiple nominations!) and the Stranger Things comic coming up for Halloween, there are still lots of ways to celebrate the show... not to mention binging it again, which is always fun for Halloween!

But sometimes you need to do something a little... extra. Demogorgon in a jar? Check! I totally recommend the Nerdy Crafter for a tutorial. 80s themed at home party? Check! It helps when you already have a soundtrack ready!

Another New Species!

How many of you are just living for the good news stories this year? Me, too, and I totally count new frog species as good news! This week a new species was discovered in the Philippines. Check this out to see a photo!

Isn't this frog the cutest? It has Kermit eyes, spots on its belly, an almost mint-green color... It's so pretty! Biologists were able to see eggs of the species in the wild, too, which I take as a good sign.

Free Virtual Poetry Workshops

Many of us are looking for some cool opportunities for both ourselves and our learners during Covid, and luckily the virtual offerings of various programs never seem to cease. The real trick is simply weeding out the things you don't need and finding the ones that will benefit you most.

I've always had good experiences with Coursera, so I think this poetry class might be worth checking out, but I wanted to see if you had others to suggest here for members to take advantage of.

Must-See Live Shows

Most fans of The Dead have their own specific suggestions on which live shows to watch first, or which ones absolutely must be seen by newcomers to the band. Think of what top three shows you'd recommend to someone who's totally brand new to the band, for example.

New Fall Scents From Fable Beard Co

My husband and I are big fans of Fable Beard Co. Not only are their beautifully-scented products great on his beard, but they also work on my hair! A little goes a long way and we still have full-sized bottles from our first purchase last year!

This fall they're offering two new exciting scents. The Candyman is a caramel apple scent with salt and gooey candy that I can't wait to try. The Villager is dried oak leaves, cranberry, fall air and golden amber, which also sounds perfect for the upcoming season!

Complex Artistic Desserts

If there ever was a time to be creating cool new works of art out of food, that time is now! If you're home a lot because of the pandemic, what better way is there to be entertained than to enjoy some fun baking and being creative?

This incredible layer cake is a fantastic example. Just look at that artwork inside the dessert! My family has dabbled in making tie-dye cake, which is also really fun to both make and eat.

Indian Researchers Make Bricks From Simulated Lunar Soil

With all the interest in returning to the Moon to build permanent human habitats, there is the question of what will be used for building materials. The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) have developed a sustainable process for making bricks on the Moon. It makes use of lunar soil, bacteria and guar beans to consolidate the soil into possible load-bearing structures.
